January lockdown
School provision during lockdown
From January 5th the school is open to children of keyworkers and those deemed vulnerable. The children in school will be supported by LSAs to access work set online by teachers. Teachers will focus on delivering high quality lessons through TEAMS and DB primary and ensuring children are supported at home.
If your child is usually in receipt of Free School Meals please contact the school as we can provide a food parcel while we await further guidance on a new national voucher scheme.
We have delivered laptops and Kindle Fires to many children, if you require help to access work online please speak to your class teacher and we will do our best to help. Staff will be in touch if your child does not access work or contact is not made - this is so we can ensure everybody is safe and accessing education.
Please remember if your child is at all unwell they should not attend school. If anyone in your family is unwell and awaiting test results your child should also not attend school.
Risk assessments and policies related to COVID can be found in the policy section of this website.