Formal Letter Writing

As part of our River topic we have looked at the litter in the River Blackwater and are writing to the council about it.

Today we have looked at ways in which to end our formal letters. We looked at Cause and Effect conjunctions; because of, as a result of, therefore, furthermore and consequently, what we wanted to happen (we had great ideas such as litter picks, CCTV cameras, police patrols, river cleans, adding more bins, social media campaigns and creating posters) and how we could make our letters more emotive.

Here are some of our final paragraphs:

I would expect more from you. I would like you to arrange a litter picking day. I believe this will improve the problem and help the fish. 

Yours sincerely, 

Master McKay


To improve this situation, I think you should put CCTV and police patrols by the river. Also add fines since people need punishments.  If you don't act I will tell the government. Do you want that? So start now, I will not stop until this is done. 

Yours sincerely,



To improve this situation I think you should drain the rivers and close the parks until the litter problem is no more. If you drain the rivers, the rivers will be safer for animals. If you don't take my letter seriously I will write to the government about this crisis that we are going through.

Yours sincerely,
