Super Start to 2025
Giraffes' class have had a brilliant start to the new term.
Since returning after the Christmas break, the Giraffes have settled back into their learning, and we have had a great start to the new term.
Our topic this term is American Road Trip and we have been learning all about North and South America. In writing we have written persuasive letters to apply for a job as an explorer in the Amazon Rainforest. They have produced some excellent letters, and I am pleased I haven't really got to choose one to be given the job!
It has been disappointing that we haven't yet been able to begin our swimming lessons and I am hoping that the issues at the swimming pool will be resolved very soon. To ensure the children still get their two PE lessons a week, we have been in the hall doing gymnastics instead. The children have enjoyed this and, due to their excellent behaviour, we have been able to have the apparatus out for them to explore. They have loved climbing, jumping and balancing on the various pieces of apparatus.
The children in Giraffes always work hard and are often complimented on their behaviour by other adults in the school. I am extremely proud of all of them.