Stone Age Day

We had a great day of activities to learn more about the Stone and Bronze Ages.

On Tuesday, the children in years 3 and 4 had a day of different activities to deepen their knowledge of the Stone and Bronze Ages. We began the day by learning about Stone Age jewellery and the children then had the chance to make their own necklace using similar shells to those that would have been used during that time period.

The next activity was cave painting in the copse. The children had to make their own paintbrushes from sticks and leaves, and their paint by mixing mud and water. They created their paintings of animals and people on the trees.


Next, the children learnt about the importance of the discovery of fire. The children tried to light a fire by rubbing sticks together, or banging stones. This being unsuccessful, Miss Hatchman came to the rescue by using flint and steel. After setting a trap and catching a woolly mammoth, the children had to make a device to hold the steak over the fire to be cooked (no woolly mammoths were harmed during this activity!). To keep everyone safe, no eating of the steak was allowed!

After lunch, the children considered the best place to build a Bronze Age settlement. They knew it would need to be close to sources of food, shelter and water. The children then created their own settlement.

It was a fantastic day and the children were brilliantly behaved throughout.