Welcome Back
I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter break. The children have certainly come back well rested and full of the joys of Spring. It was wonderful to see them on Tuesday.
I just wanted to update you on what we were doing this term, as swimming will probably be the only thing that they talk to you about for the next 12 weeks! Our topic this term is Weaving a Way Through Braintree, which is a local history topic. The children will be looking at the local area and the huge part that the textile industry played in influencing and shaping Braintree as we know it today. We are hoping to take a trip to the local museum and go for a walk along the very historic and very beautiful Bradford Street. We have some great Art projects planned for the term including clay and digital art which we are hoping that we will be able to show you at our 'Learning Festival' towards the end of term (I will keep you posted on this!) I will keep you updated with spellings and weekly outcomes through the School Ping,
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.