Happy Half Term!
What a fantastic final week we have had!
Our week started with a busy classroom on Tuesday morning with you joining us for our oracy outcome, sharing our versions of Stone Girl, Bone Girl - thank you for joining us!
This week our focus has been on Black History Month, learning about Nelson Mandela, we researched and wrote sentences based on his life. We combined English and Art to create some fantastic posters and written outcomes. We used water colours, pastels and got very creative:
We played a fun game of word BINGO in English, using year 2 common exception words:
In maths this week, we have been adding two, two digit numbers, crossing a ten - so exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten, and then adding, so 19+12 - we took 9 ones and 2 one, which made 11 ones, so we exchanged 10 ones for 1 ten and was left with 1 one. We recorded that in our books, and then found 1 ten in 19, 1 ten in 12 and the 1 ten from exchanging, made 3 tens and recorded that too. so 19+12=31. Tricky stuff but we got there!
Finally, for a fun Friday afternoon treat, we spent time in the copse!
Have a lovely half term and see you all on Monday 4th November, ready for another busy half term, with our topic being A Bear Called Paddington!