Welcome back!
At the end of week 3 already.....time is flying!
Our topic this half term is Poles apart! It is a Geography topic and we have already explored the arctic and the desert. We have talked about the equator and three explorers, two who were the first to reach the South Pole and one who was the first to reach the North.
The children spent the first two weeks of the half term planning and writing their own story about a penguin and we have now moved onto non fiction texts. Next week they will be writing there own information text about either a meerkat or giraffe.
In maths we have moved from money onto multiplication. The children have a good grasp of language such as 'lots of', 'repeated addition' and 'multiplication'.
Our science topic this half term is materials and we have learnt more about properties of materials and their suitability for certain jobs. We had fun this afternoon experimenting with materials to find out if we could twist, bend, squash or stretch them.
Keep going with the reading at home and if possible log into TT Rockstars.