Marvellous medicine!!
We are now in week 3 of our topic 'Marvellous medicine'.
Based around the Roald Dahl book 'George's marvellous medicine', we are using this book as our reading skills focus this half term.
It is a history topic and we have looked at two famous nurses, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children have thought about chronology and where they fit on a timeline, we have used various sources of evidence including a visit from a nurse and we have thought about the legacy they left.
In literacy we have written a biography on both women. We discussed what a biography is and what features we would see. The children have also been trying to use apostrophe for possession within their writing.
In maths we have been learning about fractions of shape and number, half, quarter and third. We have moved onto time this week, recapping o clock and half past and have moved on to quarter past and quarter to.
We are hoping for a break in the weather on Friday afternoon to allow us to sing on the field and hope you can join us at 2pm weather permitting.