Braintree Museum

What a busy day we had! 

We had a wonderful KS1 trip to Braintree Museum.  

First, Dolphin Class handled replicas of Victorian artefacts. We learnt all about jelly moulds, ‘washing machines’, mousetraps and irons. We really enjoyed being able to handle them.  

Afterwards, we explored the museum and looked at a timeline of toys. We talked about the versions of the toy we have. We decided they were made from different materials.  

After a well-needed lunch break, we were taught by the Victorian teacher. We travelled back to 1899! We all had to write with our right hand, change the saying ‘Great followers become great leaders’, and she even tested Miss Finch on her maths! (She had to wear the dunce hat.)  

All in all, a great school trip.  

Thank you to the volunteers who helped us learn.