A great couple of weeks

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A great couple of weeks to kick off our last term in the Dolphins class. Our topic of Incredible India has really got the attention of all the children. Linking with Geography we have delved into the human and physical features of India using maps, google earth and ariel photographs. We then went onto comparing the features between Braintree and Chembakolli a small village in the South of India. We have compared schools, houses and cultures of our town and the unique village on the edge of the Nilgris forest. The children were inspired to create posters to save the Nilgris forest after learning about its importance to the Adivasi tribe who use it for food, shelter, water and trade by collecting the honey from the forest.

We have continued out comparisons into our English lessons and the children have been using Venn diagrams to compare the difference between their own houses and those in Chembakolli. We have found out that some houses do not have running water or electricity and they are much smaller.

In PSHE the children were very excited to bring in their baby photos. We had lots of fun trying to guess which baby belonged to which class member. It really made us realise how much each of the children has changed. We discussed how many more things the children could now do from walking, speaking, standing up, feeding themselves. We talked about how their bodies has also changed.

RE we have lots of great conversations about God. We have a fun lesson drawing what we thought God looked like, we have discussed the belief of God and that some people choose not to believe (atheist or humanist). We have looked at Christianity and Islam with Allah to find out what God means to them.  

We have had lots of fun in our science lessons looking for local habitats around the school and Copse. We discovered why certain animals are suited to their habitat and made food chains from cups to show who eats what from a producer, consumer and predator.

We had a very successful sports day with Freya winning overall for the year 1 girls, Barney for the year 1 boys and Wayne for the year 2 boys, well done.