Fe Fi Fo fum!!

The term is flying by...

This term has flown by with so many fun activities and lots of impressive pieces of work from the Dolphins. We had some amazing innovations for our Jack and beanstalk story from Rosie living in a flat and selling her teapot at the market to mysterious queens living in mansions at the top of a sunflower. I was overwhelmed with the stamina of the children and how keen they were to write all the story consisting of two pages. I found it very tough to choose 7 for the star work wall.
In art, there were some beautiful sketches and drawings of plants with Elizabeth Blackwell as our inspiration. The classroom came alive with plants and flowers covering the tables for the children to choose which ones to draw.
We used the tulips from the art lesson to continue our brilliant botanist theme in science. After finding lots of wild and garden flowers on our plant hunt around school we took apart a tulip to label the different parts of a flower.
Maths there has been lots of multiplication and division with 2,5 and 10 times table. We have linked times 2 for double and divide by 2 as half. We found a few tricks to help us with the 10’s and then 5’s. Everyone was very excited to start Times table rockstars to climb the rockstar ladder.
History we have found out about John Ray a local botanist and Sir David Attenborough. The children were excited to find out John Ray lived in Black Notley and how he created the classification of plants and animals.
Our fieldwork in Geography took us on a walk to Freeport station. The children used maps to find the safest route from school and practised their map skills by locating different human and physical features along the way. We then made our own maps using symbols and a key.

We still have so much more planned for the rest of the term!!!