the greatest fossil hunter of all time
Our learning this week
This week we have continued with our Geography lessons looking at how coasts are made and labelling the human and physical features of a costal town. On Tuesday the children had lots of fun in the copse making their own beach and cliff tops from leaves, sand, sticks and stones hiding fossils within the rocks. Mrs Brown created wind and waves to show how coast are formed through erosion. Once the waves hit the cliffs some of the fossils became exposed.
On Friday we had a visitor from the past into our classroom. Mary Anning was seen in the playground trying to find curiosities and came into class to show everyone the items she had found. The children loved looking at the fossils, sea glass, shells, coins, and coral. After she left the children came up with amazing adjectives to describe the items and orally put them into sentences. We will be writing sentences next week.
Maths we have finished place value and have moved onto number bonds writing out addition sentences.
PSHE the children chose from lots of different activities they could use if they were in the red, blue or yellow zone. Some children chose colouring to help them move from the blue zone to the green others chose singing or dancing.
In French we started to learn the days of the week.