Welcome back to another exciting week of learning at school!

We’ve had a fantastic time exploring new concepts in Maths and English, while also getting inspired by nature on Outdoor Learning Day. We have also introduced our new topic 'A Bear called Paddington.'

In Maths this week, we’ve been practising addition.

This week in English, we’ve been focusing on instruction writing.


We are preparing to write instructions on how to make marmalade sandwiches, which Paddington loves to eat. We have learnt about time connectives (first, next, then, finally) to show the order of the steps. We also looked at the difference between commands (such as "spread the marmalade") and statements (like "Paddington loves marmalade sandwiches"). 

Thursday was Outdoor Learning Day, and we spent the day exploring the natural world around us.  We wandered around the school grounds, collecting leaves and then using our natural materials, we created our own natural art.

In history this week, we took a deep dive into the story of Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate Bonfire Night every November 5th. We learnt about the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Guy Fawkes and a group of conspirators attempted to blow up the House of Lords in an effort to assassinate King James I.

We discussed how the plot was foiled when Fawkes was caught guarding the explosives in the cellars beneath the Parliament building. The event is still remembered today with fireworks, bonfires, and the burning of Guy Fawkes effigies.

It’s been a fun and productive week.