Final week
We are FINALLY going back to school! We have all made it to the end of home learning, hopefully this will be the last lockdown and we can start to get back to school as we know it. Once again, thank you so much to all the support from parents in the last 8 weeks, you have been amazing and we could not have got through it without you!
This last week the children have been writing their newspaper report on the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter. It has been very interesting reading these and I have been impressed with the amount of children who instinctively know what a newspaper report should sound and look like despite not seeing them regularly nowadays. In maths, we have been looking at area and perimeter, focusing towards the end of the week on the area of a triangle, something which all the children have found relatively easy which is excellent.
Well done to our two 'Stars of the Week' this week: Alexander and Leon. Both of these students have consistently produced work of a high standard and have continued to motivate themselves to complete every task set. Well done!
Have a great weekend!
Mr Butler