Our staff


Mrs Claire Smyth

Mrs Emma Carvalho
Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Dawn Frisby
School Business Manager

Mrs Wendy Dunne
Pastoral Support Manager


Miss Louise Wheatley
Antelopes Class Teacher

Mrs Nicola Jones
Bears Class Teacher

Mrs Jodie Ward and Miss Emma Healy
Crocodiles Class Teachers 

Miss Kim Finch
Dolphins Class teacher

English lead

Miss Rosie Hatchman
Elephants Class Teacher

Head of KS1 - phonics and outdoor learning lead

Mr Nick Browning
Flamingos Class Teacher

Ms Nic Edwards
Giraffes class teacher

Mrs Lisa Perry
Hippos Class Teacher

Mrs Erica Westwood and Mrs Tiffany Sanders
Iguanas Class Teachers


Mrs Karen Barefield

Jaguars Class teacher

Head of LKS2 and curriculum lead

Mr Craig Butler
Kangaroos Class Teacher
Maths Lead and UKS2 lead

TEAM TO support special needs

Mrs Carvalho - SENCO

Mrs Fenn - Pupil Engagement and Welfare support assistant

Mrs Geall - Speech and Language support

Our learning support assistants

Mrs Geall Mrs Charles

Mrs Earle

Mrs Chandler Miss Thorogood Mrs Marks
Mrs Amos Mrs Barrett Mrs Dorrian
Miss Barclay Mrs Hanlon Miss Blackwell
Ms O’Dell Mrs Lloyd Ms Sudbury
Mrs Martin Miss Lampard Mrs Mayes
Miss Louis Mrs Pascal Millington Mrs Sheldrick

Mrs Phillips

Mrs Mumford

Mrs Sale

Mrs Malek

Mrs Smith

Mrs Pingram

Mrs Turner Mrs Mathew


Premises team

Mr Ingram Site Officer


Mrs Guppy Catering Manager
Mrs Delfino Catering Assistant

Mrs Baker

Kitchen Assistant

Mrs Tuttlebury Midday Assistant


Admin team

Mrs Di Paola Office Assistant
Mrs Darch Office Assistant
Mrs McCormick Family Liaison Worker
Ms Greenway Attendance Officer