Week 2 in class

A busy second week of the term, with our trip to the museum and lots of fantastic learning in class!

This week in english, we looked at using text builders to create complex sentences, using subordinating conjunctions to extend, We physically built these sentences prior to writing them in our non chron reports on toys:

In maths this week we continued with our focus on money, using money to calculate, adding two amounts together, different ways to make £1 and giving change - it would be really helpful if you had a play at home, why don't you set up  a shop, and give your child some change to use, they could become the shop keeper too and give you change after you have paid!

In science this week, we answered the big question - How can I change the shape of an object? We carried out experiments by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching different objects, before recording our data:

In computing:

Finally, in history, we looked at some old toys that Mrs Smith brought in to show us:

And Cuthbert the monkey that Lotan shared with us!