
First week back and we are already up and running!

The Iguanas have now been back at school for a full week, and we are already deep into our topic and working hard!

Our topic this term is Crime and Punishment, and we will be looking at how this differed through the ages. We have started by looking at the Gunpowder Plot and are writing diary entries from the perspective of Guy Fawkes. The children have been thinking lots about how Guy Fawkes' emotions changed over the course of his imprisonment.  

In maths, we have started the term by looking at place value of numbers up to 1,000,000 - we have been using place value charts, part-part-whole models, bar models and place value counters to manipulate numbers. 

Our PE days this term will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. PE kit is as follows:

White shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, black tracksuit top, plimsolls and trainers for outdoor sports. 

Remember to keep reading and quizzing on the AR books. 

If you need to contact us please feel free to pop in and see us after school or contact us on email:

