Brilliant Botanists
Our topic this half term is Brilliant Botanists, starting this week with history, learning about John Ray and David Attenborough.
The crocodiles have snapped back in to action after the Easter break and have enjoyed going on a plant hunt around school - learning to tell the difference between garden and wild plants. We found daisies, dandelions, buttercups and even some bluebells on the school site.
In history this week, we have learnt about John Ray and his work that has impacted on our lives today. In our lesson today we learnt about David Attenborough and the ongoing work he strives for.
In English we looked at Jack and the beanstalk stories:
We have begun making our changes to the story, adding in different characters and events and using adjectives to describe. Today we orally rehearsed our stories, acting them out with such enthusiasm!
In maths we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s - continuing to practice this at home will be a great help to your child. today we embedded our knowledge and printed with numicon and playdough whilst counting: