Hippos visit the library
Hippo Class visited Braintree Library
Hippo Class took the mini-bus down to Braintree Library. Some of us had never been to the library before and lots of us hadn't visited in over a month! We hope that this visit has inspired the children to sign up for a library card, join the Winter Reading Challenge and use this fantastic free service.
At the library, we learnt all about how to borrow books, audiobooks and films. After signing up for a library card, we can borrow books for three weeks and even have 14 out at any one time! If we are really enjoying them, we can renew them and keep them for slightly longer.
We check-out books similarly to a self-service machine at the supermarket. Our card is scanned and the books are assigned to us. When we take them back, we return them using the machine too. Some of us were very prepared and brought our library card.
We had a tour around the library and hunted for some key areas to help us orientate ourselves when we next visit with our families. A group of children were thrilled to find a section written in Polish and they all begged to spend some more time there.