End of the term....
We have had a short but very busy half term.
We finished off our Victorian topic with some science. Looking at materials and their properties. We thought again about toys and what they were made from and what they are now made from. Thinking specifically about why certain materials are used for certain jobs. Here are some pictures of the children sorting materials into groups using words like bendy, soft, hard, dull, strong, stiff, smooth.
We continued to use conjunctions when, if, that, because in our literacy work when comparing Victorian schools to schools nowadays. The children wrote some fantastic comparative sentences.
In maths we continued to look at sharing and then moved onto doubling and halving and finally odd and even numbers.
Thank you for all your support this last half term. Thank you for the wonderful homework that has been completed.
We start our new topic 'Go Wild' when we come back after half-term. We will be sending a date out asking for parent/grandparent/family/friend helpers to come along and join us for a sewing day, so please look out for that date.
Have a fantastic half term.