Click, click, click
Our learning this week
We have continued to look at 2D shapes this week discussing vertices and lines of symmetry using a mirror. The children at the start didn’t quite understand the word symmetrical however, all of them could draw a symmetrical butterfly.
On Monday the class copied up their persuasive writing into a brochure and the top five were chosen to show Mrs Symth to convince her she should book her holiday to Peru. Well done to Theo, Esther, Maddison, Poppy M & Lizzie.
We have now turned our attention to story writing. This week we have learnt a Paddington story looking at adverbs and conjunctions. We have discussed the 5 parts of a story (beginning, build up, problem, resolution and ending). Using pictures, we created a story mountain to show the 5 parts of the story. Next week the children will start to plan their own Paddington story.
Art this week , the children have started to experiment with collages, creating a mood board and using different techniques of tearing, over lapping and cutting to experiment with ideas for their finished piece which we will create next week.
PSHE we have continued to discuss bullying and how we can be a good friend.
Computing this week’s artist Seurat and pointillism. The children created a sunflower using paint brush tool and there was a lots of mouse clicking to be heard.