Welcome to Dolphin's Class
What a fantastic start to our new term in Dolphins.
With it only being our first week back from the summer holidays the children have settled in nicely to their new routines and class beautifully.
This week we have kept active in English using lots of actions to create sentences containing verbs. We have already seen some amazing sentences with beautiful finger spaces and capital letters.
In maths we have hit the ground running with place value writing numbers up to 20 (year 1) and to 100 (year 2). We used lots of apparatus to help us recognise tens quickly and then used the tens to help us find the number. How many lots of tens are there and how many ones?
History we have discovered an extraordinary fossil hunter called Mary Anning who was struck by lightning as a child. We have used a timeline to show the key moments in her life and started to read the story stone girl bone girl based on her life.
In PSHE we have looked at the zones of regulations that uses colours to help us recognise our feelings. We discussed how we would feel in the blue zone (tired, bored, sad), red zone (angry, overexcited), yellow zone (anxious, worried, scared) and the green zone (happy, safe). At the beginning of the week some of us where in the yellow zone but by Friday we were all in the green (by 3.00pm a little in the blue).