Happy Easter
What a busy term it has been!
What a busy term it has been! The children have really loved our focus this term on aviation and were very excited to take their hot air balloons and Wright brother inspired airplanes home to show you.
This week in English the children have used contracted words and exclamation marks to write their own animal riddles. “I’m black, white, and furry. What a cute button nose I have! I don’t eat meat. What am I?” We have created a class acoustic poem on Space and attempted to use similes in an individual acoustic poem about an animal.
Maths we moved one step closer to multiplication by making the connection between repeated addition and multiplication. Children were confident drawing equal groups and counting in 2,5’s and 10’s.
In PSHE we finished our term on healthy eating by enjoying some healthy snacks after some meditation and relaxation. I was very impressed with how many children were happy to try avocado, dried apricots, carrot sticks and hummus. Some even said the avocado was delicious!!!
Sorting and categorising animals has been our focus in science. We looked at reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and mammals and discussed the similarities and differences between the groups. We had a great discussion about why dolphins were mammals and not fish and the difference between reptiles and amphibians (dry scales).
Phonics we are concentrating on spelling our phase 5 sounds trying to find rules to help us decided which diagraph to use. This week we focused on ay,ai, a-e.
I hope you all have a fabulous Easter and look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday 19th April.