Fire Fire!

Welcome back! This week we started our new topic 'The Great Fire of London'

The children have had a great week and so far have enjoyed our new topic. This week was a history focus and we found out all about the fire, what happened, why it happened and the reasons why it spread so quickly. We also talked about Samuel Pepys and why his diary is so important. See if the children can tell you a little bit about it.

Here are the children making Tudor houses for our display board.


We also talked some more about timelines and created a timeline of the Great fire of London.

In Literacy we looked at report writing in particular newspaper reports. We talked about headlines and writing in the past tense. We had a mock fire alarm and the children had to pretend to be reporters and write a report on it.

In maths we have been looking at money, pounds and pence and adding them together. Great grasp so far!