Art-tastic week!

It's been all about Art this week!

We have been looking at the work of Pablo Picasso and finding out some interesting facts about him and his style of painting. Picasso is famous for the 'cubism' style of painting.

We began by using a ruler to create squares on a template of a face. We then used coloured pencils to colour these squares in and then drew facial features  (2 eyes/mouth/nose) randomly around the picture in the style of Picasso.


Look at these works of art displayed on our topic board!!

Today we enjoyed using paints to create the same week we will take photos of ourselves close up and then cut out and use our own facial features to create portraits of ourselves.

Look at your budding little artists hard at work! Great job by all!


In literacy, we wrote fact files about the superhero that visited our playground last week...and next week the children will be making up their own superhero and then writing a fact file about them!

In maths, we looked again at ordering numbers and different ways numbers could be represented, tens and ones, coins, words, digits.

Another busy week!

Thank you to everyone who bought cakes in for the cake sale and/or money in to buy cakes today. The children have had a fab day of cake eating! 

Enjoy the weekend!!