Super Me!!!!
A great week here in the Elephants class.
We have introduced our new topic 'Super Me!'
We actually had a real life superhero come to see us on Tuesday!
Super Brain paid us a visit and the children asked some fantastic questions that they had written on Monday. We then used the answers to write a description of Super brain as a whole class and then on Thursday the children changed some key points to write about a superhero of their choice. I am blown away by their fabulous writing already!
In maths, we have been recapping ...we have looked at tens and ones, partitioning numbers and greater than, less than and equal to. We have also done our very first TT rock stars challenge. We will do a paper test every Friday and the children have 3 minutes to answer as many times table questions as they can, at the moment 10 times tables. They then move up on a leader board and when they get so far will move onto 2 times tables. You can practice these at home by logging into TT rock stars and the log ins are in the front of their reading diaries....once again very impressive maths from them all.
We have started phase 6 phonics which is recapping our phase 5 sounds and looking at spelling rules. The children will be sitting the phonic screening test later this term, so we are also practising ready for that.
Please read at home as regularly as you can... Rosie the reading caterpillar has quite a few names moving along her thank you for that.
Happy weekend everyone!