Sports day fun!

Welcome back to the summer term....

Our topic this half term is 'A Bug's Life' and we have lots of creepy crawly activities planned!

So day 1 of the term and we had sports day.... what a fantastic morning had by all. The children were amazing! They showed super skills on the field events, speedy running and great sportsmanship. Such a shame that parents could be with us but here a few photos of the morning...some great action shots!!


In this literacy this week the children looked carefully at different bugs using magnifying glasses. They then looked at some information about different bugs and we looked carefully at some interesting vocabulary used to describe them, words like aggressive, nocturnal, predator. We then looked at some information about the Lantern bug and the children had to draw a scientific drawing of it and label it and then write some facts about it.

In maths we have been doing some revision maths... multiplication and division....using arrays and bar models to work ot the calculations.

This next couple of weeks is science based and we are looking at plants and what they need to grow. This week we planted sunflower seeds. The plan is to let them grow at school for a couple of weeks and then send them home and see who can grow the tallest sunflower. Prizes to be had and information to follow!!