Wild Things
Our new topic for this half term is Go Wild which is based on the book, 'Where The Wild Things Are'.
What a super start to the new half term! The children have been busy learning new adjectives to use to describe their very own Wild Things. Brilliant words like button nose, mighty, caramel, metallic and glowing were amongst some of the brilliant words used.
The children then wrote a new page for the book, incorporating their wonderful artwork and superb descriptive writing:
Inspired by the book, the children created a Wild Thing crown in their outdoor learning session. Look at how creative these are:
In maths, the children have learnt about how to create tally charts this week and demonstrated a super ability to count in 5s.
In Science, we learnt about the rate at which ice melts when different conditions are used. Here is Lacey investigating whether holding an ice cube helps it melt more quickly.
Geography has been lots of map making this week. Nicola made a memory map of near where she lives. This is an outstanding effort!
Well done for another fantastic week - we are really enjoying looking at all the brilliant work that is being uploaded and it's great to share this on the blog each week.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.